Branch 100 Telephone – 613 – 475 – 1044
LOOKING FOR… Webmaster or WordPress user for Branch to take over website… Please Contact legionbrighton@gmail.com
Branch 100 Colour Party Volunteer’s Needed
Hello Comrades.. Our Colour Party is an important part of the Branch and represents our legion in public functions such as Parades, Community activities, Canada Day, and Celebration of Life requests. A lot of our Senior Members are no longer capable of enduring the longer Parades like Apple Fest and the Santa Clause Parade. At this point our Branch is not able to produce a Colour Party due to the shortage of volunteer’s, it has been a part of our history since the beginning, so Please volunteer and keep our Colours parading into the future.
If you are interested and physically capable of parading. Please contact the branch or any of the executive.. Experience is not needed, training is provided and comradeship is free.. What you will need is a Legion uniform and we may have some that are available. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please Contact the branch at your earliest convenience by email at legionbrighton@gmail.com or 613-475-1044
Hello Comrades the branch is looking for Volunteer Bartenders to work a 4 hour shift, Smart Serve certificate is required. Contact Bar Chair – Roy Flieger at the branch – 613-475-1044
Our Branch Needs Volunteer’s to help in many areas, we have many active members in our branch and are hoping for volunteer’s to help the executive in it’s determination to improve the buildings functionality for Veterans, Members and Seniors throughout the community. If you would like to volunteer for any of the items below just send a email to the branch with your name and what item # you would like to volunteer for and you will be contacted. Thank you for your support.
Building Repair Committee — Your branch needs support from its membership to assist your elected executive. Your executive is continually researching grants from federal, provincial and municipal sources which will improve the branch for accessibility, appearance and signage. We need a volunteer committee (3 persons +) to provide recommendations and priorities of repair and upgrades. Please send us an email and your service will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Comrades