Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël and a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year. Salutations from the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRIGHTON BRANCH 100 to All Members, Serving Military, Veterans, RCMP and their Family’s. Hoping and wishing you all a safe and healthy 2024.


Santa’s Companion “Daisy” paid a visit to Mrs Claus and Santa at the North Pole located in Brighton… and had a Great Time… Ruff, Ruff..


2024 Messages of Goodwill to Our Members from your Branch Executive’s

Astrida Chalmers – President – Wishing all the members a Christmas celebration that is bright with joy and good cheer.  Wishing you all the very best that life can bring for the coming New Year.

Glenn Irving – 1st Vice President – Merry Christmas to all.  May you have the Joy and Happiness, that you see in a child’s face on Christmas morning, all year.

Michael French – 2nd Vice President, Property, Sick & Visiting, – I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. Stay safe  and see you all in the new year

Mike Skubicky – Veteran Services Officer…. May the magic of Christmas fill your heart and home with peace, love and joy! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Pam Little – Poppy Chair –  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who helped with this year’s poppy campaign. I’d especially like to thank our community. During these difficult times we still had an extremely successful campaign. I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season, and Prosperous New Year!

Rose Massey – Hall Rentals and Angel Tree Coordinator …. From Wayne and myself to all of you….Wishing you all an abundance health, happiness and love for Christmas and into 2024 🌹 From your Hall Booking agent and Angel Tree Coordinator, Rose

Duane Bach – Webmaster…. To all our Members… Merry Christmas and All the Best in 2024, as Canadians we face our adversity with compassion and caring, please take time and remember those serving our country, and our community who cannot be with their families during this special time of the season and offer help and assistance to those less fortunate.

Roy Flieger – Bar Chairman – Wishing a Safe and Happy Holiday and a Positive New Year to All

Linda Reckenberg – Membership – May this Holiday season be filled with peace and happiness to  you and your family

Don Halcrow – Curator May the joy of the season be with you and yours and All The Best for 2024

Padre Reverend Wanda Stride – Branch Chaplin – This year, I pray you experience Christmas deeply, and that the hope, peace, joy and love of this season enfold you and guide you into the New Year. 

Jeramy Sparks – Sergeant at Arms – I would to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays . I hope everyone finds good health and happiness. Best wishes to everyone in the New Year

Kathy Woodcox – Ways & Means, LA Liaison, Public Relations – May this Christmas season bring you special moments and happy memories