Past Events

Our Marksmanship team (MCpl Knox, MCpl Sparks, Sgt Richardson, MWO Dean, and CWO Sparks), Absolutely “smoked” the competition on Saturday! Not only did we claim 1st place team, but we also had 1st, 2nd, 3rd place overall shooters, and 1st, 3rd place junior shooters! We are extremely proud to see this team achieve such great feats and continue to improve and work hard week by week, Congratulations team and everyone who competed Saturday!

Individual results highlights:

(Out of almost 50 competitors)

CWO Sparks: 1st place overall

MWO Dean: 2nd place overall

MCpl Sparks: 3rd place overall & 1st place junior shooter

MCpl Knox: 3rd place junior shooter and 8th place overall

Sgt Richardson: 4th place overall

Team: 1st place out of 9 teams

Special shout out to the staff cadets from our corps who volunteered to attended the competition, you all did amazing and the competition would have been much harder without you all!

2024 Remembrance Day Events including Veterans Luncheon