LOOKING FOR… Webmaster or WordPress user to take over Branch website… Please Contact legionbrighton@gmail.com

Branch 100 Brighton President Glenn I, LA President, and Youth and Education Chair donated on behalf of The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command Branches and Ladies Auxiliary Charitable Foundation, this cheque to Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation to help Veterans and the Community at large.
Comrade Jim Sherwood Receives Lifetime Membership Award
The Royal Canadian Legion Lifetime Membership Award was presented to Comrade James Sherwood from Brighton Branch 100 President, OPP Retired Staff Sergeant Glenn Irving, 1st Vice President Michael French and 2nd Vice President Duane Bach. This award was presented for over 30 years of dedicated service to the Royal Canadian Legion, Brighton Branch 100 and the Brighton community.

Jim who is now retired after completing 40 years in our military and has served 30 years in the Royal Canadian legion. He is an exceptional volunteer who willingly offering his assistance in all areas within the branch. He can be found daily repairing and helping others in the branch and the community including assisting the Branch 100 Ladies Auxiliary during their many functions. Jim has proven to be an outstanding legionnaire and is worthy of this prestigious award for his excellent values and effort in making Branch 100 a better legion.
Ladies Auxiliary, Honours and Awards. Dec 1, 2024
The LA had their honours and Awards day on Sunday Dec. 1st. Here are a few photos from that day and a list of the Ladies that won awards, medals, certificates of appreciation and Ways & Means bars.
Dot W – President received a past president pin, past officer pin, 10 year pin, a ways & means bar, Maple Leaf and a 1sr Vice Bar.
Debbie W – received her 10 year pin and a service medal for her community work
Veronica R – received her 5 year pin , past officer medal and 2nd Vice Bar
Melissa B – received her 5 year pin, past officer medal and 1st Vice Bar
Mary T – received her 10 year pin
Etta K – received her 10 year pin, past officer medal, and Secretary/Treasure bar
Tammy H – received her 25 year pin and Secretary/Treasurer bar
Sandra B-S- received her 25 year pin, past president medal, maple leaf
Astrida J-C – received her Sargent of Arms bar
Sheila R – received a LA service medal, Ways & Means Bar, Certificate of Appreciation
Karen R – received LA Service Medal, Ways & Means Bar, Certificate of Appreciation
Loretta D – LA membership pin
Kathryn A – LA membership pin

Alice with her bouquet of flowers and her lifetime membership. She also received her 30 year pin with the LA and a sports bar.

2024 Brighton Remembrance Day Parade by Ralph deJong
An Excellent performance by the Terry Denyes Brighton All Star Band which covered music and vocals from the past and ignited memories of yesteryear. This fundraiser raised an awesome $710.00 and generously donated all to the Royal Canadian Legion Brighton Branch 100 Poppy Fund. Branch 100 Colour Party under the command of Sgt at Arms Doug Hall executed a precision performance. A Huge Thanks to the “Brighton All Star Band” and the community that attended for offering donations to Branch 100 Poppy Fund for veterans in need.

Branch 100 of the Royal Canadian Legion is looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Sergeant at Arms. This is a chance to help guide the future direction of the Branch while sitting as a member of the Branch executive. As well you will have the opportunity to represent and lead branch members at the various parades and functions the Legion participates in.
For more information please contact the Branch at 613-475-1044 or by email to legionbrighton@gmail.com and speak with Glenn Irving or Michael French
Royal Canadian Legion Brighton Branch 100 Visits the Rome War Cemetery in Italy

Branch 100 Comrades visited the World War 2 Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery in Rome Italy on May 28, 2024, and paid our respects to the 22 Canadian Soldiers who are buried there. Each of the 22 graves received poppies placed at their headstones and gratitude was offered to each of them for their sacrifice.
The Rome War Cemetery is located in the heart of Rome Italy and located by the Aurelian Wall that was built in 271-275 A.D. It is a peaceful and well-maintained cemetery and pays tribute to the sacrifice of 426 military killed in WW2 including our 22 Canadian lads.

2nd Vice President and Veteran Duane Bach places a Poppy Tree at the headstone of Pvt J. Tanghe

Branch Poppy Chair Pam Little places another poppy tree at Pvt E. Namaypoke’s Headstone

Comrade and Veteran Art Little places the Poppy Tree at Lt. G.F. Archibald’s Headstone

Comrade and Veteran Don Halcrow pays Respect to one of our fallen Hero’s.

Below is the list of our Fallen Hero’s…

Thank you to all who have joined our branch in the past few years. We now have over 500 members. We are always looking for volunteers to help us perform the duties required to keep our branch operational, so if you would like to be a volunteer please speak to any of our executives in the branch. We need maintenance, painters, bar stocking, and general help personnel. Help us to provide a Great place to enjoy.
If you wonder what our branch offers, please check our our webpage at rcl100.ca or this face book page or go into the branch and pick up the monthly newsletter with the calendar of events.
Brighton Branch 100 – Mural on North Wall
Branch 100 Comrade Bill Barber thanking Gerald Banting, retired ENSS Art Teacher who worked tirelessly over the last five months to restore the mural on the Branch 100 North wall. Mr. Banting lead the design and painting of the original mural with his 1997 ENSS Art Class. Gerald holds a photo of his late father who was a WW2 RCAF Mosquito Fighter Pilot.

For Veterans in Need…. Please utilize the information below….

The free first year of Legion membership program has expanded eligibility to include family of Veterans
How to apply to the Veteran Family Welcome Program and the Veteran Welcome Program
Eligible Family Applicants can fill out an application form online: Click on the Links below
Veteran Family Welcome Program – To Print your Own… Click Below
Veteran Welcome Program.. To Print your own… Click Below
The History of the Royal Canadian Legion Abbreviated
Chapter 84 of the Statutes of Canada 1948, as amended by Chapter 86 of the Statutes of Canada 1951, by Chapter 72 of the Statutes of Canada 1959, by Chapter 83 of the Statutes of Canada 1961, by Chapter 112 of the Statutes of Canada 1975, by Chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada 1977-78 and by the Statutes of Canada 1980-81.
May 17, 1927 – British Empire Service League (BESL) was formed and is the forerunner to the Royal Canadian Legion.
1948 – An act to incorporate the Royal Canadian Legion Chapter 84 of the Statutes of Canada 1948 this act received parliament approval and became law.
1959 – The name of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League hereinafter called “The Legion”, is changed to The Canadian Legion,
1963 – The name of The Canadian Legion, hereinafter called “The Canadian Legion” is changed to The Royal Canadian Legion, as it stands today.
To order Veterans’ licence plates ”Do not go to the Ontario Service Centre”; “You must order them thru Dominion Command”. Any interested party, Click on Button, fill it out, print the form and mail it to Dominion Command the address is at the top right side of form with your $5.00 payment. They will confirm your status and mail the authorized form back to you and then take it to the Ontario Service Centre for receipt of your Veteran Plates
If you are a veteran or active Canadian Armed Forces member
Starting January 1, 2019, veterans and active members of the Canadian Armed Forces who reside in Ontario are able to enjoy free fishing across the province as a token of recognition for their service. In place of an Outdoors Card and recreational fishing licence, veterans and active members will be required to possess and carry one of the following pieces of identification to legally fish in Ontario:
- Canadian Forces Identification Card (NDI 20);
- Record of Service Card (NDI 75); or
- Canadian Armed Forces Veteran’s Service Card (NDI 75).
In accordance with other deemed licences, veterans and active members of the Canadian Armed Forces will need to follow the seasons, quotas and limits associated with a sport fishing licence.
For more information on this initiative, please contact the Natural Resources Information and Support Centre at 1-800-387-7011.
To all Veterans, Military & RCMP.. Read Below…. (this is a good thing)…..

All Serving Military or Retired Veterans and RCMP are welcome to join “Free” for a year.. Explore the benefits, services & the camaraderie the Legion has to offer… at “No Cost”.. “Click On” Button Below to Start…
Branch Members are more than Welcome to put their business cards on the Community bulletin board in the legion for everyone to see.